
Please note: We are an entirely volunteer run community group. We do not have paid staff. We try to get back to folks within a few days, but it may take up to a week or so for us to reply to you depending on what’s going on. Thank you for your patience!



Community updates: If you have community/organization updates or calls to action that you would like us to share out in our next newsletter and on our calendar, please email us at We prioritize updates, events, and calls to action from people of color and  groups/organizations led by people of color. 

Financials: If you have questions regarding our Pass the Hat donations and/or our operating costs, please view our financials document here.

Mailing List: If you would like to get updates about SURJ Worcester meetings and actions, please sign up for our mailing below.
We will not share you information, we only use the list to send out meeting links and passwords, updates, and calls to action. 


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